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Where in Perth is this?

There are some amazing accessible and inclusive facilities all around Western Australia, the trouble is, not a lot of people know about them.

Images of 16- ACROD parking bays in a row with the Carers WA van to the left.
Image of Carers WA Community Champion ‘Ewan’ who uses a wheelchair. Ewan is surrounded with 7 other people dressed in skydiving jumpsuits, safety glasses and helmets.
Image of large room with rows of shelves full of toys and therapy toys. To the right is a young boy looking at the shelves of toys.

Image of event map with shaded areas for reduced music areas, strong smell areas, rest spots, dimmed lighting areas and no music areas.
Image of accessible flying fox seat.

To the left is a foldable adult sized changing table. To the right is an accessible toilet with rails on both sides.
A large circular seesaw with ramps on either side.

If you know of any inclusive and accessible places in Perth you think other people should be aware of send an email to and let us know.