Caring can take a lot of time, energy and resources. Without the right support in place, caring responsibilities can take over, and start affecting carers health and wellbeing and limiting their ability to participate in paid work, family life and social and community activities.
It is important to recognise the challenges of caring so that carers can seek support when they need it. It is also important for families, communities, service providers, governments and employers to understand the challenges of caring so that the support options available can be continually expanded and improved.
How does caring effect wellbeing?
- Physically – e.g. back injuries due to lifting and moving, fatigue, lack of energy, run down
- Emotionally – stress, depression, changes in relationships, anger, resentment, anxiety, guilt
- Financially – may have to change job, work part time or stop working. Cost of equipment, transport, therapies etc.
- Socially – lack of time, family and friends pull away, having to plan in advance, exhaustion, people stop inviting you.